Thursday, August 18, 2016

Steal at eat

Its being two years since my last blog. What has changed ? Where you wondering if i had stopped blogging ? Or whether i had given up on the agriculture that i so passionately spoke about. Well let me answer, some things have changed, no and no.

I am now two years older than i was, my kids and my wife are now two years older than they were. we also have added another little farmer to the midst, well you ketch my drift. We have another little bouncing baby boy who is now one year and three months and i am not wasting time to teach him about farming as you can see.

The kids are still loving every bit of going to the farm. Their main drive tough is the creek (river). They get to swim, jump stones, hold crayfish and make lots of noise. but when daddy says no swimming today time for work they do pretty much ok.  I still continue to teach them the importance of agriculture and producing and eating healthy.

I still push, NO! chemicals on my farm and much composting (animal manure and kitchen garbage). Still using the natural insecticides to more repel. I am still educating myself on more ways to be environmentally friendly in what i do on my farm. i am still intune with the harmony of land and sea. I am trying my best to maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoying every bit of what God has blessed us with here in Greenze.